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6 Passenger ATV UTV Rental in Estes Park Colorado

by | Nov 17, 2019

A 6 passenger #ATV #rental is a great option for a #family on a budget. It’s also a great idea if you want to experience new and different trails in the #Estes #Park #Colorado area.

Normally for a family or group of friends of 5 or 6, you would have to rent at least 2 machines. This can put your price at $800 or more for a full day rental. At that, you only get 6 hours of ride time. With this option, you get 8 hours of #ride time and the choice of any #trail you desire.

It’s more than trail choice and cost though. You’ll be able to get on a trail with fewer people. There is nothing like having an entire trail system to yourself or with limited people.

One of my favorite places to ride is Storm Mountain. It’s just 45 minutes outside Estes Park Colorado. It’s well worth the drive. There are more trails than you can do in a day. The trails range from 6000 feet, all the way to the 10,000 foot Storm Mountain summit. The #wildlife is abundant with #moose, dear, elk, and bear. There was even a recent #Bigfoot siting. The BFRO actually investigated the incident. I personally know of this situation and can tell you, I for one believe these folks. 

The #views on Storm are absolutely breath taking. You won’t find better views in Colorado in my opinion. Some key areas to check out are Bear Gulch, Storm summit, Nelson Spring, Jug fire trail loop, and the Estes overlook. 

Honestly, you’re going to have an awesome time on an ATV rental, #Razor rental, or #Jeep rental. However, if you have the means to tow a trailer, I would seriously consider the 6 Passenger option if you have a larger family or group of friends. 

If you’re looking for a “real” #adventure and #secluded #backwoods experience, check this out. It is even possible to do a 2 day rental. You can bring some #camping gear and get the full #outback experience. 

If you decide to come to Colorado for #vacation or even just a short #visit, you must see Estes Park. A lot of visitors go to #Breckenridge#Colorado #Springs#Denver, and #Boulder. It doesn’t matter where you stay, Estes Park is a must. It is the number one #tourist #destination in Colorado in the #summer and #fall #months. You’ll see once you get here. The moment you round the corner coming out of the #canyon, looking down on Estes Park, surrounded by #white #cap#mountains, your jaw will drop. Plus, great #food, amazing places to #stay, and more #activities than you can shake a stick at. 

I hope one of our activities will be on your list of #things #to #do. I promise you won’t regret it and you’ll build #memories you’ll never forget. 

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